The bad options
The common refrain one hears in discussions of North Korea
policy among US policymakers is that “there are no good options.” I’m not going
to be senselessly iconoclastic and claim that I have found a good option, but I
will tell you the two least bad options. But first, here are the bad options:
A limited military strike would almost certainly result in
retaliation against South Korea, incurring massive casualties. It is also
possible that it would result in full-scale war, including the possibility of
war between the US and China. The same of course applies to invasion. Besides,
it is almost certain that a limited strike would not take out North Korea’s
entire nuclear arsenal. The US intelligence community hasn’t had a solid lock
on the locations of all of North Korea’s nuclear facilities since the nineties.
Sanctions have proven ineffective over the past couple of
decades, though it is conceivable that they would be more effective if
heretofore lax participants, most notably China, enforced them rigorously. But
it is possible that sanctions would lead to humanitarian disaster in North
Korea if the economy were severely damaged, as the state might allocate
resources away from the populace to the military and elite. And there is also
the question of whether sanctions ever really work. A study of sanctions from
1915 to 2006 showed they work about 30 percent of the time, but the key is that whether they work
depends on other factors in the country, and given the tightness of the North Korean
state’s control, this is questionable.
Alternatively, China could be coerced into cooperation on
the DPRK (whatever cooperation entails) by means of US sanctions against
Chinese officials who are involved in commerce with North Korea. This would
damage the US-China relationship, and the likelihood of successfully coercing
China into a cooperation with the US would probably be limited, because the
Chinese state is huge and uncoordinated. Central directives in China are much
less effective than outsiders think.
There is also the option of asking China more or less
politely for its help, with which President Trump and President Obama before
him found no success.
Then there is Obama’s “strategic patience” doctrine. What
was strategic patience? The strategy of waiting. Waiting for what? God only
knows. For North Korea to collapse under its own weight or for China to decide
to help, I suppose. The result was eight years in which the US government did
next to nothing to address the fact that North Korea was rapidly approaching
ICBM capability.
We might also mention the absurd notion of simply assassinating
Kim Jong-un, which, besides being illegal, would doubtless entail a great
chance of failure and massive military retaliation (again, mostly against South
Some have suggested that a concerted effort at information warfare would prove the most effective
policy at present. North Koreans are hungry for information about the outside
world, and they are savvier than you might think. In recent years, South
Korean, Chinese, and other electronic media have flooded into North Korea on USB
drives, often carried into the country by North Korean migrant workers
returning from China. The US and South Korea could cooperate to increase the
amount of information entering North Korea from various avenues. Needless to
say, this should not consist of crude propaganda, least of all denunciations of
the North Korean state or the Kim dynasty. Defector Hyeonseo Lee argues that K-drama and K-pop are far more powerful tools for opening the eyes of
ordinary North Koreans, because they can see for themselves, through a non-confrontational medium, the prosperity and openness of South Korea. As North Korean knowledge of the outside world grows
over time, the possibility of North Korean civil society and internal political
change should grow apace. That was, after all, part of the downfall of the
Eastern Bloc.
I remain skeptical about the possibility of this sort of
change in North Korea. It is difficult to predict what sorts of political
changes could come about as the result of internal dynamics. Advocates of information
warfare believe that in theory, we might expect North Koreans who have seen
images of the wealth and personal freedom available in the South to demand the
same in their own country. As the theory goes, the North Korean elite would
perceive this desire for change, and bet on the people rather than the Kim
family. To continue this line of speculation, perhaps they would push for the
opening of markets, which would lead to the opening of minds, greater contacts
with the South, and in the end, they might be willing to attempt to push a
reunification scenario in which their own personal wealth and security is
guaranteed, but the reunified Korea adopts the political and economic systems
of the South.
But our understanding of North Korea’s elite politics is not
solid enough to make firm predictions. Jang Song-thaek advocated for economic
reforms modelled on China’s, and he was executed for his trouble, though Kim
Jong-un’s precise motivation for the execution is not entirely clear. On the
other hand, we do know that the North Korean state has allowed gradual
development of markets in recent years, and Western visitors to North Korea
have reported an improvement in materials conditions within the country during
this time, so perhaps the winds are indeed blowing toward economic opening.
To some extent, this scenario of free markets followed by
free minds followed by free politics is obsolete. This idea comes from the way
the Cold War ended in Europe, but I think the Chinese case has proven that a
Communist state is entirely capable of opening its markets without opening its
politics (In fact, China shows that a one-party state can persist even when its people have a relatively high degree of economic freedom and access to the outside world and don't particularly like the state). And North Korean elites are aware of the Chinese playbook. Even if
they wanted to open up their economy on the basis of the Chinese model, why
should they want to accept a South Korean takeover and political revolution?
They would need to be in a position where they perceived a South Korean
takeover as inevitable anyway, due to combined internal and external pressures.
Korean nationalism is very much alive in North Korea,
arguably much more so than socialism. North Korean propaganda typically depicts
the South Korean government as a prostitute regime, selling the Korean people
out the Yankees, while South Korean people are shown as victims.
After all, according to North Korean propaganda,
the Korean race is inherently childlike and innocent (hence the need for the
Kim family’s firm protection). North Koreans would most likely welcome the
opportunity to reunite with their national cousins, particularly if they have
come to perceive those cousins as more prosperous and willing to help.
The option nobody in Washington mentions
But this strategy sounds suspiciously close to one reliant
on dialog, which is apparently heresy in Washington, because I have heard very few people suggest negotiation. The notion is dismissed out of hand by many in the
national security establishment, a good example being Chris Hill opining that North Korea “sneers at international standards of behavior” and that North
Korea does not seek regime security but rather seeks to hold its neighbors
No doubt the Kim dynasty sneers at us, but hey, how
seriously do we take them? Now that they’ve launched an ICBM capable of hitting
Chicago, it seems like Washington is maybe kinda starting to take
them seriously, and yet whatever next stage they reach, we always have our
corps of analysts who say, “Well, they can't attach a warhead to their missiles,” “Well, their fueling procedure is highly unusual,” “Well, they still can’t do a re-entry vehicle,” or
“Well, it can't reach New York.” As
Jeffrey Stein and Aaron Lewis of the Arms Control Wonk Podcast point out in
their latest episode,
people are always dismissing North Korea’s ability to take the next step.
Essentially, people are in denial. Why is it that people are too terrified to
admit the possibility that North Korea is capable of nuking the US? We lived
through the Cold War, during which we learned to accept the weight of thousands
of Soviet nukes hanging over our heads, and yet we seem psychologically
unprepared to accept a single Korean nuke. Why is that?
![]() |
(KCNA) |
It’s been more than a decade, so you kids today may not
remember, but negotiations came quite close to success under Clinton. Under the
Agreed Framework of 1994, the DPRK agreed to International Atomic Energy Agency inspections at its nuclear
sites, the replacement of their existing nuclear reactors with light water reactors
provided by the US (light water reactors being harder to make bombs with), and
continued participation in the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The US agreed to
gradually lift sanctions and normalize relations with North Korea. Did we?
No. Congressional Republicans, regarding the plan as
appeasement, blocked the lifting of sanctions, and relations were not
normalized. North Korea, meanwhile, kept producing highly-enriched uranium, which they warned us in 1998 that they would
do if we didn’t hurry up with the installation of the light water reactors,
and indeed, we were years behind schedule. So sure, they were intransigent in
that they continued enriching uranium, but so
were we, in that we didn’t lift sanctions, didn’t normalize relations, and
didn’t supply the light water reactor in accordance with our own timeline. In 2002, the US
suspended work on the reactor soon after beginning construction, and the DPRK
withdrew from the Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003, leaving the Agreed
Framework a failure.
The fact that a negotiated settlement failed when we
didn’t adhere to the terms of the settlement does not mean that North Koreans
are inherently unable to adhere to agreements and therefore unworthy of
negotiating with. Both sides were at fault. Heck, they could be forgiven for saying that it means Americans are inherently unable to adhere to agreements and therefore unworthy of negotiating with! We should perhaps try negotiating and then
holding up our end of the bargain. Even if that doesn’t work, well, you try
things, and sometimes you fail. It’s better than not trying.
So how could we set about negotiating? China indeed has
leverage over North Korea, as I discussed in my last post. Due to the myriad
security, economic, and other connections that we have with China, the US has
ample opportunity to exert leverage over them. We could try all sorts of
sticks, from denying visas to the 300,000 Chinese students in the US to banning
food exports to China. The options are essentially limitless. As for carrots, in
terms of assuaging the fears China has regarding the American presence on the
Korean Peninsula, we should offer long-term withdrawal of US military from the
South Korea, perhaps on a step-by-step basis premised on verifiable stages of
denuclearization in the DPRK. If indeed we are not determined to contain China,
as Washington consistently asserts, then we have no reason not to do this.
But what could the US offer North Korea? To begin with, we
could halt joint military exercises with South Korea (as Russia and
China have proposed), since, after all, the DPRK uses our exercises as the
pretext for many of its weapons tests and specifically complains about the
threat which they pose to its security.
Another step to take would be to agree to bilateral talks
without preconditions, which is precisely what the DPRK has been asking for for
years. The major reason why we haven’t done this already is obstinacy and our
conviction of our own moral superiority.
I would like to reiterate: North Korea has been telling us,
consistently, for years, precisely what they want: 1. Bilateral negotiations
with the US, aimed at 2. A peace treaty formally ending the Korean War (which I’m
sure I needn’t remind you, gentle reader, is currently in a state of armistice)
followed by 3. Full normalization of US-DPRK relations and 4. Integration of
the DPRK into the international community as a normal state. Unreasonable?
Of course there are reasons not to take this path, and of
course it is no guarantee of anything. The one objection to the whole idea of
negotiating and making concessions to North Korea which I certainly consider to
be legitimate is that it encourages other states to seek security through
nuclear proliferation. But I would argue that although this point is valid,
it’s too late to worry about it now. We should act more decisively when
intelligence indicates that other states are pursuing this path in the future. Indeed, the key lesson of North Korea should be that inaction doesn’t stop arms
proliferation. But we must choose among the options we have in our present
reality. North Korea may not budge, but trying something is better than whining about China on Twitter.